ZTT Joined ITU-T to Promote International Standardization

2020/5/13 15:36:44 人评论 次浏览


Recently, ZTT received the confirmation letter from ITU-T Secretariat, in which ZTT was approved to formally become an associate member of departments of ITU-T SG15. 

ITU, with full name of International Telecommunication Union, founded on May 17, 1865 and headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, is one agency of United Nations in charge of information communication technology services. ITU handles the allocation and management of global radio spectrum and satellite orbit resources, preparation of global telecommunication standards, provision of telecommunication assistance to developing countries and promotion of global telecommunication development. Presently, ITU has covered 900 companies, universities as well as international and regional organizations in 193 countries, and have issued over 4000 ITU-T standards have. ITU, International Standardization Organization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) are also called three international standardization organizations. Generally, international standards refer to ITU-T standards, ISO standards and IEC standards.


ZTT has been devoting to international standardization operation, and has made remarkable achievements with respect to the preparation of international standards in recent years: ZTT facilitated the establishment of IEC standards for optoelectronic hybrid cables for communications, participated in three CIGRE international grid conference research reports, led two standards of Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), and got involved in two IEEE standards, in which IEEE STD 1222-2019 Standard for Performance and Test of All-dielectric Self-Supporting (ADSS) Optical Fiber Cable for Power Line was issued on November 7, 2019. 

ZTT has issued 338 standards in total by now, and it has become an effective key for the company to actively participate in the formulation and revision of standards for enhancing comprehensive competitiveness.